Posted by: ITRESUMESANDMORE | April 3, 2013




                                                  YOUR PARTNER FOR SUCCESS  

That’s about how long you have for your personal resume to make an impression on the person who’s looking through hundreds, or even thousands, of resumes.

Posted by: ITRESUMESANDMORE | November 24, 2012

Passion – One of Your Partners for Success

PASSION  – Did you ever wonder how so many successful people become successful? I think it is because they have one point in common, they have a passion.

It does not really matter what kind of passion you have – because the people who yearn to do a certain thing find a way to fulfil the burning hunger within themselves.

Maybe the question is – Is passion learned or is it a natural phenomena that you are born with?

My take is the environment that you are exposed to at a young age can influence you and direct you to awaken the gift you have been born with.

Your job is to act upon your inner most passion and make your dream come true.

The choice is yours and yours alone – nobody has the same passion as you – nobody can make your passion come true except you –

I sometimes think about successful people – their drive – their committment – their dedication – the amount of time they work towards their desired goal.

It never ceases to amaze me and makes me wonder in awe –

Can this passion happen to and for you – You are the only one who can answer that question.

It is up to you – and up to me to make ourselves a part of the very few – that do not let obstacles stand in the way – but take the desired passion to a higher level – within you – within me –

Let’s think today – Do I have what it takes to move on my deepest desire my yearning passion.

Posted by: ITRESUMESANDMORE | November 23, 2012

Relationship – Relationship – Relationship

How are you perceived?

Successful people continually strive to strengthen their relationships with the people they work with and the people they hope to work with.

When looking for a new opportunity it is vital to build a solid relationship with the recruiters that are working hard to place you in a rewarding and satisfying job.

The recruiters are building their relationships with potential employers. It is a three-way relationship between – You and your Recruiter –  and the relationship between the recruiter and the potential Employer – does this make sense – you bet it does.

Trust is essential to strengthen the your relationship with the recruiter.

What do the recruiters want from you?

Honesty, integrity, a sense of urgency and desire, as well as availability is what they are looking for from you.

When you are seeking the respect and affirmation of the potential opportunities ahead of you follow these sensible principles.

If you follow these simple concepts, and strive to be the best you can be – you will succeed and realize your dreams which in turn will help you reach your potential.

Posted by: ITRESUMESANDMORE | November 19, 2012

Collaborative Networking – Your Road To Success

The most important aspect towards landing a successful position is to become a collaborative networker. Although this sounds like a daunting task, it is a very important to build relationships with a core group of potential recruiters and make yourself known.

How do you that?

Fist of all it requires an outstanding resume with key words to attract potential recruiters to select your resume for consideration.

Here are a few points to consider:

1. Clear and concise opening statement
2. Easy to read bullet points
3. Accent your strengths immediately
4. Present your strengths starting with the most recent accomplishment
5. Make your resume easy to read (provide enough white space for an even flow)
6. Present your Professional Experience using concise structured sentences by accenting your skills as a point of strength

  1. Show how you were challenged to perform a task
  2. Indicate the results – be precise
  3. Give the recruiter a reason to make the call to you
  4. Do not short change your experience

7. Conclude with Professional Education and Training

Finally, it is important in any industry to stay informed and educated. Recruiters are looking for candidates who value education and are on the cutting edge of technology.

